Monday, January 9, 2012

Healthy Food Mood

Healthy does not have to be synonymous with tasteless in terms of food. For instance, even with traditional bad-for-you recipe's, you can make it "healthier" by substituting all of your ingredients from conventional to organic. Boom, you've removed all of the harmful pesticides and toxins that go along with your heart-stopping buttery richness. That aside, this blog is not only going to feature bad foods made healthier. I'm also aiming to create a collection of foods that will nourish and energize the mind and body without forsaking taste and richness. With each picture that I post, I will hopefully be able to post a recipe shortly after (modifications must be made from time to time). At that point, I'd encourage all readers to try out the recipe and tell me how you made it better or what you believe was wrong/missing from it. I wont pretend to be a professional chef because I am definitely not. I'm just a foodie tired of paying too much money to fulfill his cravings. Buon Appetito!!

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